• Open Flower

    eyewitness of the future

  • Welcome to Open Flower,

    a microcosm between fantasy and reality.

    Here follows a handful of works, labeled either CREATIONS (comissions) or UTOPIAS (own).

  • &


    As one part of

    a larger renewal work,

    name/symbol &.

    & crystallises

    the theatre's

    radical strategy

    in one character

    that comes over universally.

  • Human Salon


    Photographic and literary portraits

    that focus on the beauty of each soul.

    Human Salon was created w/ (photographer)

    Elina Simonen: together we want to share

    the gift of presence & feeling of being seen.

    Human Salon has already traveled to Venice,

    making microportraits during

    Biennale Arte 2024 pre-opening.

    "The most surprising thing in life

    is that there is no timeline.

    You can do everything

    in your own time.”

  • HAM


    As part of relaunch, name HAM. The renaissance work of the Helsinki Art Museum redefined the contemporary museum experience in Finland. Since then the ethos has been followed by many. The key ingredient was museum lead's courage to invite a

    hand picked group of independent thinkers to work side by side with.

  • Wolf


    Wolf is a festival that celebrates the fantastic fact that NEW can only happen when we are not ready. Wolf creates a free, relaxed, intimate space for artists and thinkers to try out new stuff in front of a warm audience. Wolf stage has presented bold & raw individuals from mayors to journalists to poets.

  • Human magnet


    My human (Mun ihminen) got to the finals of The Builders of the Century challenge competition by The Association of Finnish Foundations. My human wanted to introduce a new citizen right where each teen could choose their "own" adult - a soulmate stranger to break birth bubbles and create opportunities that are beyond obvious. The core of this utopia is the idea of human magnet: NEW intelligence that inevitably brings together people whose energies feed each other.

  • OF gallery of

    new thinking


    Quarter-century of development work

    has taught that creation of new,

    radical performances or utopias

    is fragile work where ensemble

    and milieu are pivotal.

    OF gallery is a sanctuary for the new.

    It is free of the aura of

    the meeting room.

    Art stimulates NEW thinking.

    Welcome to Helsinki, Finland.


    In recent years I've been working intensely with arts and culture. Since my business studies (quarter-century ago) I've been convinced that artistic thinking has a crucial role in the future progress of societies and the humanity. Based on my experince and insight, I'm ready to bring artistic perspective to businesses and other organisations, to help you flourish in the future. My superpower is perspective, wild thinking and seeing possibilities. Let me help you: active future makers are often left alone - let's join forces! OF is best enjoyed free ; ).

  • "Out of this world" - fragments of feedback for OF/AM

    broken image

    "Your thinking is art."


    "You are a person of possibility."


    "You have brought us to a whole new level."


    "How many chills can one feel in a minute?!"


    "Gifted in both organising and stimulating thinking."


    "Inspiring, talented, encouraging."


    "Anna's thinking is unique - she brings new perspectives."


    "You're an exceptionally deep and sensitive listener."


    "Job well done. You are gifted in your work and have always devoted yourself to the purpose. That's why I buy your thinking repeatedly."


    "I recommend you whenever I can."


    "We could not have done this (radical strategy) without you."


    "Anna is a human curator - her great gift is bringing people together and creating exceptional concepts."


    "Good stuff!"


    ””Anna is one of the most passionate people I've met during my career. When she believes in something she'll do her everything to make it happen, putting "All-in" lending you her emotions, yet keeping everything strictly professional. Anna has an obvious talent to encourage and to push. She listens to you and understands immediately the core of your message, whatever it may be. This is rare, at least in the reality I live in. All that combined with her creativity and will to make cool things awesome and then to make those awesome things happen – well, you just happen to have a very special and unique package. She deserves to work with intelligent people, who do interesting things – as she has chosen. You shouldn't be surprised when you notice later on that she was the one sparring you and your ideas to be crystal clear. Listen to her.”








  • Give the gift of NEW for you or someone special!

    Ask for the special (individually curated) menu: anna@openflower.fi

    OF new company

    OF new company

    7.400,00 €
    How often do you meet new people - not to mention ones that live and exist outside your bubble? Probably you are sealed in the vacuum of your busy life, books or tv serving as occasional exits. How would you even have time or determination to try and find NEW people to have meaningful, stimulating, even mindblowing discussions with? You hardly have energy for the familiar ones. Open Flower curates you new company, biweekly bringing you someone to talk with. Remixing the realities. Every person is a tailored surprise invited to widen your horizons. More impactful than any conference. (10 x 1 hour discussion, IRL in greater Helsinki area.)
    Coming soon
    OF joy & levity

    OF joy & levity

    8.888,00 €
    Why so serious? When creating NEW it should be a pleasure, not angst. Credibility is a curse word in imagining futures. Let's play together and end up with 8 possibilities. If something is born out of joy, it will more likely spread joy. What's more magnetic?
    Coming soon
    OF hour

    OF hour

    333,00 €
    "Makes me cry - just what I needed to progress!"
    Give a gift of fresh thinking to yourself, a colleague, a loved one or a stranger - an hour of discussion with Anna, the topic(s) chosen by you or gifted. (Digital gift card available upon request.) A gift that keeps on giving. The hour can be used to design a commission for Open Flower. anna@openflower.fi
    Coming soon
    OF horizon

    OF horizon

    2.300,00 €
    Five ideas on what you can do next.
    Coming soon
    OF magic

    OF magic

    50,00 €
    Do you feel like life & work have lost magic? Do you want to give a piece of magic to yourself, a loved one or as a random act of kindness for a stranger who might need it? Open Flower is here to help: OF magic is something unexpected - a thought, an object or a combination. Something to give a magical moment.
    View more details...
    Coming soon
    OF courage

    OF courage

    2.300,00 €
    Is it difficult to find the courage to do new stuff? OF courage is boosted with possibilities, optimism, support and pure conviction in the beauty of new, change and utopias. Hop on and enjoy the ride! Let's find your courage and the next courageous move.
    Coming soon
    OF safety

    OF safety

    1.500,00 €
    This time is packed with fear. OF safety closes the book with safe, healing notes. Open Flower listens to all your worries and comforts you so that you gain strength for the times to come.
    Coming soon
    OF to do or not to do

    OF to do or not to do

    2.300,00 €
    Every day is a chance to start over. Are you unsure about what to do, what to leave undone? You bring your "cards" to the table, Open Flower brings their perspective with heart, soul & brain. Suggests on the genuinely stimulating, important, meaningful.
    Coming soon
    OF fresh eye

    OF fresh eye

    2.300,00 €
    OF fresh eye is about attentive, observant and deep listening. It aims at shutting down autopilots. The core of this gift is see you and your situation with new fresh eyes. Asking good questions. Allowing incompleteness and clumsiness. In order for the possibility of something truly new to be born.
    Coming soon
    OF utopia

    OF utopia

    10.000,00 €
    Do you want to create new futures? Open Flower UTOPIA opens the backdoor of your mind, helping to see possibilities that don't mimick status quo. Now is a good time to stop fitting to existing frame & start taking an active role towards building the future. "From bitter searching of the heart [...] We rise to play a greater part." F.R. Scott
    Coming soon
    OF surprise

    OF surprise

    74,00 €
    Are you longing for a surprise? Open Flower SURPRISE is a thought / object / gesture or their combination. Treat yourself or someone else in need. (Postage excluded.)
    Coming soon
    OF act

    OF act

    2.300,00 €
    Actions speak louder than words. Open Flower ACT is a set of 3 ideas: meaningful openings for you to consider acting on. Set consists of one moderate, one medium, and one bold action idea. Send an A4 sheet of your soul, situation, dream & challenges, and you will receive set of ideas designed for you.
    Coming soon
    OF meaning

    OF meaning

    1.900,00 €
    What is the meaning behind what you are doing? What gives it meaning? What strips its meaning? It's said that people shouldn't even dream about happiness, but about a meaningful existence. Open Flower MEANING helps you uncover the layers and find -or create- a deeper meaning.
    Coming soon
    OF focus

    OF focus

    4.600,00 €
    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans." Concentration is a natural force that is currently facing extinction. Open Flower FOCUS helps you in stopping the daily carousel, taking a deep breath and focusing on the meaningful. Busyness is not a badge of honor. (1 hour x 10 sessions.)
    Coming soon
    OF purpose

    OF purpose

    2.700,00 €
    What is your purpose? What do you bring into this world? Purpose is something that you possibly cannot fulfill in a lifetime. At the same time it's something that is true from day one - if it's real, genuine. Open Flower PURPOSE helps you find a purpose to start living true tomorrow.
    Coming soon
    OF random

    OF random

    36,00 €
    Open Flower RANDOM offers a random observation / thought / an idea, to spice up your mind. A message to you from Open Flower's soul.
    Coming soon
    Open Flower GARDEN

    Open Flower GARDEN

    100,00 €
    Open Flower GARDEN brings you together with a handful of people, for one hour (virtually or in flesh). During the one hour session each of the participants introduces their chosen theme in three minutes, followed by a six minute discussion. A contemporary, unpredictable salon. (Price per person.)
    Coming soon
    OF speech

    OF speech

    1.900,00 €
    Are you looking for a stimulating speaker? Open Flower SPEECH focuses on bringing you something that you & your audience don't know by heart, yet. Credibility & predictability aren't energizing. Open Flower aims at opening the minds. (Includes a 45 minute speech either virtually or in flesh, excludes travel expenses.)
    Coming soon
    OF soul

    OF soul

    2.400,00 €
    Is your soul missing? Do you feel that your audience doesn't connect to you, or you don't connect to yourself? You are working hard, but everything feels mechanistic - in other words, doesn't really feel. Open Flower SOUL helps you find your fire: something that is not calculated.
    Coming soon
    OF ?

    OF ?

    640,00 €
    Open Flower ? aims at posing questions that help you see things differently & stop and think. Comprises of two sessions, an hour each (virtually / in flesh).
    Coming soon
    Load More
  • >






















    Open Flower / Anna Moilanen creates new, active futures for and with businesses, cities, universities, foundations, goverments, unions, individuals and other beings that are open and curious about the new. YOU?

    Helsingin Sanomat newspaper editorial




  • How to reach OF/AM

    Open Flower

    Anna Moilanen


    +358 40 716 0690

    Tehtaankatu 24 A 2

    00140 Helsinki, Finland, Europe

  • Knock on the future's door.

    Let's gather our energies together - we can achieve anything.

  • broken image
    broken image
  • Ps)

  • Letters

    from Open Flower's soul to yours.

  • Privacy Policy

    Open Flower is committed to protecting its customers’ privacy. You can unsubscribe our letters in the end of each message or by contacting anna@openflower.fi. We collect information received from the user & information collected from using the web services and analytics. We use the information to provide a good experience and to improve our services. We need the information to deliver, handle and archive the orders (of services & products). Register owner and contact: Open Flower Oy (business-ID: 2436928-3), Tehtaankatu 24 A 2, 00140 Helsinki, Finland. Please feel free to ask more about privacy and processing of personal information: anna@openflower.fi.

    What can be collected?

    Personal information given by the user. Identification information like name. Contact information like address, email and phone number. Payment details, including credit agreements and other billing information. Location information that is used to estimate shipping costs and delivery times. Information derived from the usage of the web services and analytics. Shopping history, e.g. previously ordered products and their price information. Delivery details like chosen delivery method and delivery address. Product reviews. Browsing and usage history of the web services and device information. Identification information used for product recommendations and other targeted content. Identification, contact and payment details are mandatory to pass forward to us when you purchase from us directly via internet. The main source for this information are the users themselves. Besides this information we might receive information from our partners, e.g. from credit and payment gateway service providers.

    How is your information stored and protected?
    The customer register information is not given to outsiders.


    Who handles your information?
    Access to customer information is restricted to Open Flower staff. We use only validated, trusted partners when we need to transfer some information to a third party.


    What kind of rights do you have?
    As a customer, you have the right to get access to personal information we have saved about you. You have the right to request correcting or deleting personal information we have about you. With certain conditions met, you have the right to request limitation or resist the use of your personal information.

    In addition, if the data processing is based on separate consent, you have the right to cancel your consent at any time. Please notice that this does not affect on legal data processing conducted before cancelling the consent. You can contact us at anna@openflower.fi, to make a request to use your rights. Your request needs to be identified with enough of details so that we can verify your identity. We will inform you if we can’t process your request for some parts, e.g. delete some information that is required by the law to be saved for longer periods (for example credit agreements and accounting information), or based on our right. If you notice flaws in our request processing or if it’s against the law, you can register a complaint to the Data Protection Authority.


    How can you see the information saved in our systems?
    You can request the information saved in our systems by emailing us: anna@openflower.fi


    How can you influence the processing of your information?
    You can decide what kind of messages you want to receive & orders to make. In some cases, all of the information can’t be removed and legislation can require us to save some of the customer related information.


    Does our website use cookies, and what are they?
    Open Flower Oy uses cookies and similar techniques like web browsers’ local storage. Functional cookies and local storage is used e.g. to identify customers, maintain logging-in functionalities and provide shopping cart functionality. To use these functionalities, accepting the use of cookies and local storage is mandatory.


    Can this privacy policy be changed?
    To guarantee service development and legal complying in the future also, we reserve the right to change this privacy policy. If there are significant changes to the Privacy Policy, we’ll inform our registered customers and newsletter subscribers.


    How can I contact you?
    You can contact us regarding privacy, information processing and privacy policy via email: anna@openflower.fi.